
I made a puzzle game you will enjoy

I made a great puzzle game on the playstore i hope you enjoy it. Thank you for enjoying my work. Also please leave a review of the game it helps.

How to get good at math

How to get good at math Don’t be scared of numbers or variables in expressions Get good at basic addition and subtraction Think of multiplication as a series of additions and vice versa for division Practice algebra first everything else is simply concepts Remember that f^-1(x) is not the same as f(x)^-1 Log(x) is the inverse of 10^x Get good at trig Keep track of formulas Learn to think in spacial dimensions Study physics Projects that you can do to get good at math Calculate the height of a tree with trig(do not climb the tree) Calculate the fall time of a free falling baseball(or other sports ball) with physics Calculate how many bricks are in the pyramid Giza(little tip this is possible with only basic algebra)

Basics of hash functions vs encryption

Keep in mind I’m not talking about a specific app or website. This article serves to simply show why we have certain measures for security systems. This article is meant for educational purposes. There is a major difference between hashing and encryption. Encryption makes text unreadable while still being reversible, All encrypted data can be decrypted(and if done well the attacker should not be able to get the original message for a long time). Hashing is a little different from encryption. The difference is that hashing is a process that jumbles data in a way that is practically impossible to undo. Initially this sounds like a ridiculous idea to jumble text in an unreadable way without being able to reverse it but there are some really good reasons to use it. Hashing in cryptography(study of encryption and data security) is mostly used for document signatures(validating that documents were not tampered with) and password security. For this article I will be talking solely about pas

What are the backrooms - Kane Pixels’s backrooms theory

Kane Pixles’s backrooms series is awesome. There are some plot holes in the story. But for this post I will be talking about the composition of the backrooms. The back rooms have to be alive. In the pitfalls video there is a small ledge that Marvin falls in if you look closely it’s not a solid part it’s a flap that conveniently drops things. The back rooms have to be alive. How would it be changing as a maze people get stuck in? How would it auto generate new territory? It seems to embody plato's cave trying to mimic life on earth but it is bad at it. Maybe the back rooms are not alive but controlled by an alien hive Mind that controls the rooms to kill whatever comes inside. Now what benefits do the aliens get? Research instead of kidnapping humans as per American filmology they keep them in a hamster cage equivalent for humans. What if the null zones are just portals that people just fall in to gather humans. What if they are studying the human psyche? What if they are measurin

The 8 Show review *SPOILERS* and Theories

WARNING SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW “The 8 Show” This is a new show on Netflix(i'm not sure what countries right now but if you see it watch it its great). This show almost reminds me of “Squid Games” . Interestingly, the 2 shows both feature people in dept. I thought it was hilarious that all the supplies in the game were hyper inflated this somehow added a charm and comic relief to the show. The show seems to parallel a permanent social class dictated by floor height symbolizing the economic parts of society and an unnamed party of people who give the players more time(time in this show is equivalent to money) and rules that people follow symbolizing a government. The symbolism of the room they are in being fake child-like and plastic symbolizes a child's unwavering happiness along with a fake unreal world that fools people that they are in a paradise. All the base clothes they are all given are not even real they all have drawn on collars and bow ties along with their buttons for

Evil Morty Theory

In one of the later episodes of Rick And Morty, Evil Morty gets the blueprint of the omega device. A device that can kill someone across every reality. So I have 1 question about this. Who does Evil Morty want to kill? Obviously Evil Morty wants to kill Rick but does not because in his words “You think I want a bunch of Evil Summers coming after me?”. So if he does not want to kill Rick Who does he want to kill? I have a couple theories for this one. Theory 1: He wants to kill his whole family. In earlier episodes Morty has started to feel like the house does not care about him. So as an irrational kid with ultimate power i think he wants to kill off his house. Theory 2: He is keeping it as a deterrent to his family. He may be using it to keep his family away from him so he can have an ultimate relaxation because his family is a source of stress for him. Theory 3: He may be using it to destroy the bug federation. Beth and RIck seem to have a destiny of being a space warrior and ge

Little Nightmares Theory: Are the crew and customers are aliens?

First off sorry for not posting in a little while. I think the workers on the ship in the game might be aliens. If you look closely at the character models of the crew(The one with long arms and 2 fat brothers) they have obvious ridges in the skin of their masks. For the man with long arms if you look closely at the top of his head there seems to be skin peeled down blocking his eyes. The bare skin above his head looks almost stone like. For the brothers their faces don't change at all throughout the game even though everyone in the game can change their facial expressions. So how does this change the course of the series? I think it's possible that the game does not take place on earth. The design of the ship does not match any design of the early designs of the turtle submarine in history(look it up on google they look alike). Typically in engineering and in any methodology there is a repeating pattern of structure or technique used in future designs to make things bette

Bad Batch Theory: Crosshair is brainwashed

Before you read this I only watched episodes 1 - 4 of the bad batch season 3. I think Crosshair may be brainwashed and could “order 66” the team. Think about it he was experimented on in the lab and may have a fail safe “order 66” against his team for when they meet. I think the team will end up killing crosshair due to this. We even see his hand tremble like he is stressed indicating that he is going through somthing.

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Hellava Boss Theory: Why did Blitz go to jail?

In the series “Hellava boss” season 2 episode 3 Bliz is shown in a flashback that he was in prison for unknown reasons. For this post I will be writing a theory as to why he went. In the beginning of the episode he tells Crimson that he does not want to execute someone in their land in his exact words “That ain't exactly our business no more”. This implies that he has killed someone in their land but it went poorly for Bitz. We learn earlier in the series that Blitz has a very poor relationship with his Father. What if Blitz was contracted to kill his father for unknown reasons. Despite their land laws there does seem to be laws that criminalize Robbery, and Murder as seen in Crimsons home and Moxies backstory. Now we have a second question: who hired Blitz to kill his father and why? We are never given Blitz’s company rates but we can confirm that it is relatively cheap given that people who come with little money for obvious reasons are able to afford his services. We also k

Hellava Boss Theory: Why does Blitzo go by Blitz?

In the series “Hellava boss” the character Blitzo changed his name to Blitz in the show for an unknown reason. This post will be a speculation on why he changed it. Before I write about Blitz I'm curious why his sister seems to disown her family crest on her forehead. Both Blitz and Barbie(her name is Barbie not the doll brand) have their family crest on their foreheads however Barb’s crest is crossed off. Blitz had an abusive relationship with his father. He may have been ridiculed by his father after accidentally burning their family tent down and accidentally killing his mother in the process. As a result he could have had too much to handle dealing with the loss of his mother and his home he could have disowned his Father by this point subsequently disowning his name. I think it's possible that they both were abused by their Father and through his manipulation they were taught to fight each other especially when he realized Blitz was not very good at clown work. Mayb

Legend Of Korra Theory: Who was P'li going to be given to in the series?

In the series “The Legend Of Korra” season 3 there was a brief moment when P’Li tells Zaheer that she was going to be given to a “warlord” and she is thankful Zaheer rescued her. I have been wondering who this warlord was. The first question that may help point us in the right direction is who would she be the easiest to imprison by a group. Keep in mind she needed a sub zero temperature prison in isolation to be contained. She is also shown destroying rocks with her explosion powers. So her powers work better in warm or hot areas. So she likely could not have gone to the water tribes because of the temperatures. So this leaves the fire land or the big earth land. However the fire land controls fire so this is not particularly a threat to this group so this leaves the earth land. So who in the earth land would have the military might to want her and why would they want her? I think it's possible that the raiders seen in the big walled earth land revolting against their tyrannical

Squid Games Theory: Who are the Guards?

In the series "squid games” there are mysterious guards that execute players along with assisting in games. Many of them are forbidden in the series to speak. We rarely see them without a mask. The only times we see them without a mask was briefly in the early parts of the series when a guard took it off revealing he was a young adult and another time when an older man took his mask off. So for this post I will be writing a theory about who I think the guards are. First off, I want to write that I am not a Korean citizen or familiar with their laws. All of what I'm about to write has been research and I may have missed details and that this theory is only meant for entertainment purposes. In the show the guards display experience with firearms. This detail struck me as odd because citizens of The Republic Of Korea are forbidden from owning firearms(crossbows included) however the country does have mandatory military service for males over 18. So it is very possible for the

Theory: What happend on the fire nations darkest day?

In the series “The Last AirBender '' Sokka finds a burnt scroll with a mysterious bad day of the fire nation. We are never told what happened that day but we learned that their magic is nullified during an eclipse. This post will serve as a theory of what happened. In the series “The Last AirBender” There was an episode where the cast went to an underground library. Sokka finds a semi burnt scroll that says “The Darkest Day In Fire Nation History” he even states that there is a date at the top but for the users who can't read traditional chinese they would never know the date. If you look up the translation the date reads July 9th of the dragon year(Happy new year if this goes up on new years). So we know that the fire army is very barbaric. They love war. We also know that their power gets stronger during the day and during hot days. So logistically in July that would be the hottest part of the year. I think it's very possible that there was a massive siege they ex

Legend Of Korra Theory

One thing bothered me while watching the series “The Legend Of Korra”. Why can Yakone use his magic at any point that he wants but Hama from “The Last Airbender” can only use it at specific points in the month? In the series “The Legend Of Korra” there is a character in season 1 named Yakone. He has the power to control someone's movements in their body using the water from them. This skill was introduced in the series “The Last Airbender” However Hama explains that it can only be done at the end of the month when the moon is full. Unlike Hama Yakone can do it at any time of the day. For today I will be writing about why this may be the case. Reasons (1) Yakone had more practice than Hama. Hama learned while she was a POW. She could only practice once a month meanwhile Yakone could practice while he went about his life as a criminal. Reason (2) Yakone is a second generation of blood benders so he would have a higher understanding of why this works. Hama was the first to under

top games from the Wii

Top 10 most favorite games on wii 1. At the top of this list is “Super Monkey Ball”. This used to be the go to game for my family when we played family fun night. I personally loved the race game in it. I loved the courses and the absurdity of monkeys running in hamster balls in a race. My second favorite game in the game was the glider game(i don't remember the name). The premise was that a monkey was launched out of a cannon and the player must glide to a target and wherever the player landed that's how many points they would get. It was almost like curling but out of a cannon and with a controllable stone. 2. Next on the list is “Mario Kart Wii”. I loved the addition of motorcycles in the game to help with cornering. My favorite course was toad's factory. I liked the endless conveyor belts to speed up. I also liked the battle with balloons the best out of

top 10 animes

Top 10 animes that i liked 1.Cowboy bebop This show has many great themes somehow masterfly put together. It's very hard to mix westerns, noir, and sci fi but this show did so well. The show masterfly does this by making the show take place in space and advanced technology meanwhile adding space cowboys to join the 2 genres. The show follows 2 guys named Jet and Spike along with a reluctant roommate Faye. The show usually follows them in conducting work as bounty hunters and sometimes giving stories of their past contributing to character development. 2.Monster This show follows the doctor Tenma. He accidentally saves a demon named Johan who loves destruction and massacre. Johan frames Tenma for murder and forces Tenma to exile himself. Meanwhile he gathers information on Johan to plan to kill him to prevent mass carnage in the world; he believes that this is the only way to prevent many deaths and as a doctor he is established quickly to value life. One of the best qualiti

Reasons Zuko might be inspired by a real person

My top reasons I think Zuko is based on a real person. I believe that Zuko was loosely based on Date(pronounced Da-T-ay) Masamune, a daimyo from japan. I have prepared some reasons below. 1 At the top of the list for reasons both Zuko And Date have an eye injury. Date lost his eye because he had smallpox and the infection spread to his eye causing complications to the eye along with lowering his reputation due to the horrendous nature of the condition. As a result he ordered it to be removed with a knife. In Zuko’s story he was severely burned by his father on half his face including his eye. In both stories there is a clear correlation of eye injuries. 2 Zuko was born as the prince of his nation in his series. However in the series The Legend Of Korra Zuko was a ruler of his land in an older age. Date Was a ruler of his family and land. In both stories they both are very high

top 5 favorite characters in gaming

1. On the top of the list is Irish from battlefield 4. He is a character that is simultaneously comic relief and objectively the strongest in the squad. Plus he is the one who is usually giving the player advice on what to do. 2. Jordi Chin was a hitman for hire in watch dogs. He had a very off the wall personality and always made every situation in the game funny. 3. Mr Toad is a comic relief character in the Wolf Among Us. He is mainly making jokes about the main character Bigby(big bad wolf nickname). I liked his character because he is funny. 4. Next of this list is Spartan Palmer from halo. She is at the top because she was bold enough to tell Master Chief “I thought you would be taller” when meeting him for the first time despite how famous and respected he was in the series. I thought that was very bold for someone in the series to say. I thought it was very comical for her to say. 5. Spartan Locke is a spartan from halo. He infamously cracked master ch

A great VR game you should play if you like VR games

Personally I love games that come up with a unique set of gameplay or a unique compelling story. I played a game called “Phantom Covert”. The story follows a secret agent on a mission on a small island and he needs to perform some spy work on the island. Before I start talking about the gameplay and the story of the game I need to address how different a VR game is than a console or pc game. In a game on pc or console the player can be invested in the story pretty much to the extent of a movie. However VR games can introduce a level of interactivity and involvement that console or pc games can not create. VR games force the user to experience things in game at a more first person level. The premise of this game is that The main character is a spy on an island. But there is a giant plot twist to the mission: he can not go into the enemy base on foot; he has to travel in a small kayak with various weapons and explosives throughout the entire base to gather information on their enemi

Last Airbender and Clone Wars Theory

For this post I will be doing something a little different. This post will not be a review of a movie/show but a composition of evidence for certain characters in the media that I think may be based on real people in history. In the series Star Wars the Clone Wars there was a series of episodes that took place on a planet called “Umbara''.Krell is depicted as a large alien that wields 2 double sabers in the series. Typically Jedi wield 1 or 2 sabers however he is comparably more powerful because of his menacing size and sabers. During this series of episodes Anakin's squad was run by a jedi named Krell. Krell was the polar opposite to Anikin. Krell was a tyrant in the series of episodes. Krell gave orders and tactics that caused many of them to die. This is not unusual for a war story but one of the Clones points out that he had high casualty numbers. Krell even went as far as to trick his soldiers into a friendly fire battle against themselves. He tricked them by saying

Elemental Movie An Underrated Story

Elemental In the movie “Elemental” we follow Ember, a cashier for her parents' shop. She is a literal embodiment of fire hence her name. She seems to have an explosive way of expressing stress or anger throughout the movie. Ember grapples with her ever conflicting life. She becomes infatuated with a person her parents do not agree with , even going as far as to hide it along with herself being inflicted responsibility to inherit her dad’s shop when he gets too old. Ember has a great relationship with her parents. She wants to do everything in her power to make sure she feels they approve of her lifestyle and wellbeing. However she struggles to be what her parents want by her nature. Her dad tries to teach her how to work with customers and he tells her to try to be nicer to the employees and not blow up. However she is a literal embodiment of fire, symbolically that is almost never a symbol of peace or tranquility just destruction and raw energy. The shop becomes exposed to

Conflict between Mike and Sully - Monsters University movie

Micheal Wazawski(Usually just called Mike) is a monster in an unnamed city in the movies “Monsters Inc” and “Monsters University”. In this movie monsters are valued based on the fear they can inflict on people. The movies highlight the jobs people have as “Scarers” to create fear to power factories and towns. The job position seems to be a deified position in their society. However Mike is not viewed as a particularly scary individual. Mike grows up studying the industry on how to be an effective scareser for most of his childhood and adolescent years. Until eventually he is accepted into a university called “monsters university”. James Sullivan(nicknamed Sully) is a monster in the college who is the son of a famous scarer. Immediately he is praised by the class and the staff. But unlike Mike he does not possess fundamental knowledge like Mike does. Sully eventually gets accepted by an honor society however they notice that his grades were badly slipping. In the classroom Mike dem

Why Anakin joined the Sith and Ahsoka did not

Anikin was born in poverty on Tatooine in the trilogy. He lived with his mother until Qui-Gon found and analyzed his force capabilities. Anikin was stripped from his mother the day he entered the order. Anikin grew up with a very rocky relationship with the jedi order because he was a very non traditional student not only because he was not taught by them early but also because he expressed a high range of free thinking in his nature(this was evident by his tactics as a general during the clone wars). Ahsoka is the padawan(apprentice/student) of Anikin. She was born in a village that had a high sense of community and love of nature. Ahsoka grew up in the jedi temple early in her life when she was found by the jedi master Plo. Ahsoka learned from Anikin that she became very courageous and creative. The Jedi council almost refused Anikin to become a master of the order because of his non-traditional background despite his skills. As I wrote in a previous post, Anikin took this as a

Pickles episode review

In the episode of Spongebob “Pickles” Spongebob starts the episode displaying his immense skill of making burgers. Customer after customer everyone is satisfied and the burgers are mass produced like an assembly line of burgers. Unfortunately he meets a customer named “Bubble Bass” who he seems to have a vendetta against. Bubble Bass makes his order and Spongebob makes it to the best of his ability. Bubble Bass eats it and notices that Spongebob forgets one of the pickles(how the episode gets its name). Spongebob is disgruntled and upset. His boss tells him to take a day off. On his way spongebob panics because he can not find the exit even though it was next to him as his boss points out. Spongebob misses days of work and his boss checks in on Spongebob. He is obviously disgruntled(the scene highlights this playing his house's theme music backwards) and spongebob answers his boss speaking backwards. His boss sits him down to reteach him how to make a burger. Spongebob spends days

Review of The Nightmare Before Christmas

Jack Skelington is a celebrity/deity figure in the town of Halloween. He is a philosophical, social, and embodiment of the spirit of Halloween. Jack gets bored of celebrating Halloween year after year. He ventures into the woods and finds various holiday doors. Jack goes into the Christmas door and finds snow for the first time. He performs an entire musical highlighting his intrigue and curiosity. Jack becomes mesmerized by how different Christmas is from Halloween. He even gathers elements of Christmas like a candy cane and a tree ornament to perform experiments to gain an understanding of Christmas. Jack eventually comes to some conclusions and an understanding of the holiday philosophically. Jack presents these findings to the town of various monsters but they have a hard time understanding the concept of Christmas. Jack states that the town will celebrate Christmas. All of the town members take a role to make the town ready to celebrate Christmas. Jack decides to take the role of

Review of Squid Games

Many of the players in the Squid Game are citizens that are struggling significantly financially. Most have unimaginable debt accumulated by various means. In the series they are given an option to leave the game or stay. Most of the participants decided to stay in the game because they had no other means to pay off their debts and unfortunately felt they had no choice even at the cost of their life as many of them paid. The game was basically a deathmatch game show. The participants get a reward if they survive all the games. The prize money deceptively accumulates when people die but in actuality it is accumulated because the boss puts it in from when he wins and gains money from the vips paying to watch the games. The glass bridge episode shined light on every player's true personalities. To recap the game consists of 2 bridges side by side from each other suspended high up. One side has a weak glass and the other has a strong glass that can support a person. However a major

Theory about Star wars Clone Wars Clone nightmares

I recently re-watched Star Wars The Clone Wars. In one of the last seasons there was a series of episodes of Anikin’s squadron in a siege. One of his troops named Tup eliminates one of the Jedi leaders during a fight against the separatists. Fives restrains Tup and the army retreats. After the battle Tup regains consciousness. Anikin decides to question him but Tup goes into a trance and becomes incoherent. They bring Tup to Kamino to be examined and Fives decides to go with him. Kix (their medic on the squad) runs some tests and he says that Tup had a breakdown. Rex and Fives are confused by this conclusion because they know that the Clones were engineered to withstand any amount of stress. Tup is further examined by Fives and a medical droid and they discover a tumor on his brain(their kill switch for order 66) and decide to remove it. After the surgery Tup looks at Fives and some soldiers in the room after the surgery and says he has been liberated from nightmares he dreams every n

Death Note Theory

Misa in the series “Death note” serves as a form of comic relief in the series. She is a woman with a death note aside from Light Yagami(yes light is his name). Misa was saved by a Shinigami named Jealous. By saving her life he gave the rest of his life force to Misa. So in total Misa would live however long Jelous would live plus Misa’s life. Intuitively Misa should have been immortal because she had her life force extended. However we don't know this definitively in the series; she dies in her early 20s. For this post I will be breaking down(no pun intended) the age Misa should have lived. The Shinigami are bound to follow a person with a death note. They typically offer a deal with the user. They offer Shinigami eyes(It helps the user with the notebook) for half their life force. Effectively if the person is destined to live to 20 years then that person would die at 10. However the user can refuse the offer(as Light did) however Misa did accept the deal twice in the series.

Review of Kei Nagai and Sato from the series Ajin

In the show “Ajin Demi human” is based on a premise of immortal gods possessing humans(Ajin) from birth allowing the humans to live their lives as they wish. However if these people die then their Ghost(also called IBM) brings them back to life regardless of the reasons for death reanimating their bodies and minds. The town becomes scared of the Ajin people and post bounties on them. The Ajin who are captured typically become science experiments. They are subjected to experiments of scientists(in many countries but the show only shows what happens in Japan) killing them gruesomely including gunshot, organ removal(no anesthesia), and various poisons. Kei Nagai is a senior in high school studying to go to college. Kei displays a very emotionally numb personality only expressing his feelings like twice in the series. Kei discovers he is an Ajin when he is hit by a large mac truck outside his house in front of his town and some of his classmates. Kei goes on the run to escape being a hum

My thoughts on the episode of the Show "Adventure Time" episode "Hall of Egress"

Adventure time is a series that encapsulates many themes in media from a long term built story to many short term episodic stories, some with many stories in one episode. But for this post i will be talking about the episode “Hall of egress”. This episode is heavily symbolic. The episode starts with Finn and Jake looking for a cave full of treasure. Finn finds the cave but seems to be unable to leave. In the room he finds a snowman statue but it's built upside down. Every time he opens the exit he is teleported to the room he starts in along with time traveling to the time he found the cave, no matter how much he walks away from the door. Finn ends up too scared to open his eyes. He tries to tell BMO and Jake about what happens but he seems to be the only one affected by the teleportation and time travel. Finn eventually realizes that he can’t ask anyone for help with the problem so he goes on a pilgrimage along with wearing clothes from the skin of animals he finds on his trip. My

Review of the movie "The Giver"

The townspeople of the movie “The Giver” are built of a population that is mostly indoctrinated to strip themselves of their humanity. The people have no ties to their heritage(even their parents and the children are separated to other families), religion, or even their emotions. Most of the town people have been indoctrinated to not express any human emotion even as far as scolding people for using expressive language such as feelings in speech. The townspeople don't even get a choice in their occupations; they are picked for their life role after they are done with school. Jonas is the main character we follow. He has been specially picked to become a member of a group of 2 people of an apprentice and a teacher. Jonas has been picked to experience humanity to prevent the human experience from dying. Jonas learns of human experiences based on real world events with various tones and feelings such as tranquility, joy, community, triumph, love, and horror. The leader of this group b

Thoughts on Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars

Firstly I don't condone any leadership as described in this post. This post is simply here to highlight a unique aspect in Star Wars that is rarely found in the media. Palpatine is arguably one of the most strategic villains in American film. This man not only took over an entire galaxy but he did it quickly. Palpatine began his leadership as a senator later becoming a chancellor. Palpatine manipulated Dooku to the sith and ordered him to erase the coordinates to the planet Kamino(the planet of the people who make clones for the clone wars) to prevent the Jedi from knowing about the clones being created for the clone wars. Dooku was also the head of the Separatist senate council. Palpatine then killed and stole the credentials of Sipho Dias to validate that the Jedi wanted clones for the clone wars. Palpatine and Dooku started production of the Separatists droid army to wage war on the Republic. The Republic had no army big enough so they had no choice to use the Clones from Kami

Review and thoughts of The original game Subnautica

Subnautica is a story based sandbox survival game underwater. The story starts with the main research starship getting shot down and the player getting to a life pod and escaping the plummeting ship. The player safely lands on the water in a life pod. The player finds a machine that can build anything he needs for survival. The player forages for food, water and resources. Meanwhile, surviving hostile water creatures and hunting edible fish. Eventually making an underwater base and various submarines and an underwater mech. The player gets various distress calls from crew mates and quickly realizes he is the only survivor of the research ship. He does however find old computer logs on an island of people surviving before him but are presently deceased in the present time of the game we play in. The player gets a call from an orbiting starship that said it will pick up the player and to go to an island for pickup. The player goes to the coordinates to be rescued but an alien building st

Review of The Silent Sea

For this post I will mix it up. I am writing about a show instead of a game. The show “The Silent Sea” is a Korean film that features a scientist named Song Ji-an. She gets requested to join a mission to a moon base to help an organization retrieve an asset. When they get to the station they notice that the crew on board mysteriously dies. Meanwhile Korea is going through a major drought. As a result of this drought there is a caste system created that is based on how much water people have access to. The people with less water have less access to the resources they need. One of the crew members on the trip starts exhibiting weird symptoms. He starts excessively sweating and water starts to pour out his ears, along with his veins darkening around his face until ultimately he starts to excessively vomit water(almost like a fire hydrant when its valve is opened). One of the doctors in the crew performs this operation on him to help him breathe. The Doctor proceeds to make an incision

My thoughts on the game "The Final Station"

The game “The Final Station” is a 16 bit 2d scroll based game featuring a conductor of a train. The story revolves around a train conductor that is transporting cargo and passengers(everyone from refugees to soldiers and scientists) during an apocalypse. The game has a simple cycle in the story. The first phase of the cycle starts with the conductor scavenging an abandoned town or a town unaffected by the apocalypse meanwhile finding refugees, supplies, or Alien zombies. The second and last phase before repeating is the conductor managing his cargo and his passengers. The game is surprisingly very good looking despite the simplicity in the sprites, game objects, and backgrounds. Together all of these aspects bring out a nice aesthetic that makes the world pop. The game is very detail oriented adding depth to the environment in the game. Personally my favorite parts of the game were the minimal story building during the train scenes. Despite the simplistic gameplay it is a very lai

My thoughts on the character Dooku from Star Wars

Dooku was a jedi before the clone wars. In the short series “star wars tales of the jedi” we have a short 3 episodes featuring Dooku. On the first of these episodes Dooku and Qui-gon(his padawan and yes Obi-wan’s master) go to an impoverished town that had allegedly kidnapped a senator's child. Dooku investigates the town but it is quickly apparent that the town is scared of their presence(keep in mind this is before they learn that they are jedi). They end up in a bar and ask the patrons if they knew the whereabouts of the child. One of the patrons snarky tells Dooku who are you and why should we help you(not exact wording but same meaning). Dooku pulls up a chair to the patron and places his lightsaber on the table calmly(letting them know they are jedi of the senate and jedi council) and introduces himself. The patron brings them to a barn with a large farming robot acting as a guard. The patron allows them into the barn to find the kid tied to a chair. Dooku asks the kid if he