Squid Games Theory: Who are the Guards?
In the series "squid games” there are mysterious guards that execute players along with assisting in games. Many of them are forbidden in the series to speak. We rarely see them without a mask. The only times we see them without a mask was briefly in the early parts of the series when a guard took it off revealing he was a young adult and another time when an older man took his mask off. So for this post I will be writing a theory about who I think the guards are.
First off, I want to write that I am not a Korean citizen or familiar with their laws. All of what I'm about to write has been research and I may have missed details and that this theory is only meant for entertainment purposes.
In the show the guards display experience with firearms. This detail struck me as odd because citizens of The Republic Of Korea are forbidden from owning firearms(crossbows included) however the country does have mandatory military service for males over 18. So it is very possible for the guards to have experience in firearms. Another detail I found was that the North Korean dialect is different from the southern dialect and in the show there were no known guards with the dialect. There is also a point in the show during the doctor carnage part in the series that one of the guards states that the main boss does not care if one of the guards dies or goes missing. This is an odd detail because they are essential for the game's fairness(this is highlighted as a core value of the main boss so he would not go against this).
So who could the guards be? My prediction is that they are homeless people or criminals or people who are blacklisted from their industries (like the doctors who harvested organs and the doctor who lost his practice) and anyone else who would be outcasted/marginalized by society who were enlisted to join the games. This may have been foreshadowed in the last episode when Oh-il-Nam made the bet that the homeless man at the end would not get help. They would be some of the only people in society that could die or go missing that society would likely not care about. As Korean citizens they likely had military training.
I hope you liked this post and enjoy your day again. This was meant for entertainment purposes. This was just a guess on what will happen in season 2 of squid games.