Why Anakin joined the Sith and Ahsoka did not
Anikin was born in poverty on Tatooine in the trilogy. He lived with his mother until Qui-Gon found and analyzed his force capabilities. Anikin was stripped from his mother the day he entered the order. Anikin grew up with a very rocky relationship with the jedi order because he was a very non traditional student not only because he was not taught by them early but also because he expressed a high range of free thinking in his nature(this was evident by his tactics as a general during the clone wars).
Ahsoka is the padawan(apprentice/student) of Anikin. She was born in a village that had a high sense of community and love of nature. Ahsoka grew up in the jedi temple early in her life when she was found by the jedi master Plo. Ahsoka learned from Anikin that she became very courageous and creative.
The Jedi council almost refused Anikin to become a master of the order because of his non-traditional background despite his skills. As I wrote in a previous post, Anikin took this as a betrayal. However Ahsoka had minimal issues with the Jedi council. The only real times in the series that she had issues with the order was a brief time when she went against the armies command chain and when she was accused of murder by the order. The accusation of murder hurt her in the series. She was disowned by the order despite a lack of conviction and lack of evidence. After she was found innocent by Anikins digging of evidence she was welcomed back and given an apology from every high council member in the jedi order and offered to come back to the order. However she refused because she felt betrayed. She did not know how to handle the betrayal so she left the order.
As stated before Anikin was not welcomed to the Jedi order. As a result Anikin became a good friend with Palpatine(it was almost a father son relationship). Palpatine became a source of security for Anikin; he became a figure Anikin could go to for help with his problems in his life. This gave Palpatine more merit than the Jedi order for Anikin. Anikin was also good friends with Obi-wan, almost a brother to brother relationship. They had a high trust for each other. Anikin also had a very good relationship with the Clones in his squad.
Ahsoka mainly had a few of the other padawans as friends and the clones in her squad with Anakin. Captain Rex was a brother figure for her and this showed in the final episodes of the Clone Wars series. Yoda and the other Jedi masters accepted her because she was a traditional student, especially Yoda. Yoda was a secondary mentor for her.
Anikin and Ahsoka both became critical forces for the Empire. Anikin dismantled the Jedi order and Ahsoka started a rebellion to halt the empire. It is an interesting touch in the star wars trilogy to make a jedi master the main sith lord in the series and his apprentice is the polar opposite being a force of rebellion to what her master stood for.
It's interesting how both of them did not like the order. They were both betrayed by the order but only Anikin truly destroyed the order Ahsoka abandoned the order. The jedi order throughout the Clone Wars series lost their way with the civilians and their core beliefs. The order became a branch of the military when their core beliefs were pacifism and peace keeping. Both Ahsoka and Anikin believed in trying to help people and loved ones. They both saw that the order could not provide this thus leaving and dismantling the order they were a part of.
Anikin and Ahsoka are one of the most well written character duos I have seen in the media. They both have so much depth development and growth during their time in the series. Ahsoka started out as a snarky teen in the series but grew to an elegant fighter in the series wielding 2 sabers with her infamous rear grip style of fighting. Anikin started out as the boy from Tatooine that took down a star station by accident with a starship to a tactical genius and sith lord. It is amazing how they both have made a drastic change in their respective characters in the series.