My thoughts on the character Dooku from Star Wars
Dooku was a jedi before the clone wars. In the short series “star wars tales of the jedi” we have a short 3 episodes featuring Dooku. On the first of these episodes Dooku and Qui-gon(his padawan and yes Obi-wan’s master) go to an impoverished town that had allegedly kidnapped a senator's child. Dooku investigates the town but it is quickly apparent that the town is scared of their presence(keep in mind this is before they learn that they are jedi). They end up in a bar and ask the patrons if they knew the whereabouts of the child. One of the patrons snarky tells Dooku who are you and why should we help you(not exact wording but same meaning). Dooku pulls up a chair to the patron and places his lightsaber on the table calmly(letting them know they are jedi of the senate and jedi council) and introduces himself. The patron brings them to a barn with a large farming robot acting as a guard. The patron allows them into the barn to find the kid tied to a chair. Dooku asks the kid if he is ok. Interestingly the boy replies that he is ok and expresses concern that his father funneled money out of the town creating their poverty.
Qui-gon asks the boy why he did not resent them for kidnapping them. The boy responds “what choice did they have?” Marking how desperate the townspeople were for the senator's help. Soon it became apparent that Dooku was followed by the senator of this land. The senator comes with a small militia and demands that the townspeople return his son. Dooku asks why he did this. The senator dodges the question stating that by being a jedi Dooku is one of his servants. Dooku defied him and said “No we serve the people of this republic” then lights his lightsaber to defend the townspeople. The militia starts to attack the townspeople and Dooku helps them. During the fight Dooku force pushes Qui-gon back into the barn and force chokes the senator for his atrocities against the townspeople stating he needed to pay with his life for his greed. Meanwhile Qui-gon gets the son to help Dooku not kill the senator. Dooku complies with not killing the senator.
In the next episode Dooku and Mace Windu visit Raxus(the seperatist capital before the clone wars) to investigate the death of a jedi.
While speaking with the senator of Raxus he is obviously agitated and Dooku requests to see the place where the jedi was killed. The senator reluctantly complies with the request. When they get to the forest area the jedi was killed Dooku remarks that killing a jedi is hard due to their ability to read intentions of people around them. Dooku inspects the area of the murder and notices burnt slash marks from a lightsaber on some of the trees in the direction of the ship they came from. Dooku proceeds to light his lightsaber and accuses the guards of the murder. The senator runs away from the guards validating Dooku's theories but the guards shoot the senator. Dooku and Mace kill all but one of the guards.
The last guard explains that the senator did not have their best interests and they needed new leadership. Mace tells him that he should have resolved this with the senate or jedi council. But the guard replies that they are the same organization that did not work for them and that he was going to blackmail the senator to help his people through the senate because he neglected them(the same as the senator in the previous episode). Meanwhile the points of the guard are resonating with Dooku. There is a cut to Mace and Dooku putting the guard in a cell. Mace leaves the holding area and Dooku has a talk with the guard. Dooku tells the guard he agrees with his point of view. Mace comes back to tell Dooku they are leaving and tells the guard his ideologies are terrible to pretend he is on the Jedi council side. When Dooku and Mace get back to the jedi council we learn that Mace will fill the seat of a jedi council member. Dooku is outraged by this because he knows that Mace did not serve the citizens of their senate.
The last episode of the Dooku ark starts with Qui-gon but older saying he found a sith lord(maul). Dooku shows great concern and tells him to be careful. The the show cuts to somber music with Dooku watching a living tree on corurosant(a mostly metal planet) after learning of his death. Dooku then gets into his ship and flies to a secret location, however he is unknowingly followed by one of the masters. He then meets up with lord palpatine to talk about Qui-gon’s death saying he did not need to kill him. Palpatine reminds Dooku of the rule of the sith, that a master and student can only one respective master and student. The master who tailed him revealed themself. Palpatine accuses Dooku of not being loyal to Palpatine and orders Dooku to kill the master. Dooku fights the master. Towards the middle of the fight the master hides and tells Dooku that he could get amnesty if he comes peacefully along with validating that there were deep rooted issues in the jedi council, but Dooku refuses the offer. The fighting continues and Dooku backs the master between a large flood door then he throws his lightsaber at the control panel destroying it thus dropping the door on the master. The master force pushes the door up off them, but Dooku eventually kills them by throwing the lightsaber at the master, swiftly killing them. Palpatine welcomes him and congratulates Dooku as his student.
Dooku subjectively did not become evil. His heart and values seem to be guided by the people who got neglected and subjugated by the Republic. In the eyes of the Republic he was a definite villain. But in the eyes of the people he served he was a massaia. In this 3 part series of episodes Dooku had a gradual shift in who he serves. It was evident in the first episode when he tries to kill the senator and more apparent admitting he agreed with guards who killed their senator. Then ultimately he killed a jedi master as ordered by Palpatine, a known Sith lord. Dooku ultimately lost faith in the Jedi order because he saw first hand that systems were subjugated and neglected by their leaders, he could not trust them because he lived and watched the failure and mismanagement of its resources and beliefs of the Jedi council.
Interestingly it's not just Dooku that fell out of the Jedi for these reasons. Anikin was basically shunned by the order ever since he was a kid. Anikin was also denied from becoming a master(Anikin took this as a betrayal towards him). The order also did not allow him to check on his mother(she died as a result). Then finally he chops off Mace Windu's hands defending Palpatine(Palpatine groomed him to be his student). Ultimately he became vader. Anikin had an objectively worse story than Dooku, Anikin had been taught from his childhood not to trust the Jedi order.
Pong Krell was a stereotypical greedy selfish dictator running a legion in the clone wars series. He continually sends his troops into missions that end up killing most of the platoon(one of which he tricks them by saying their enemy stole their uniforms and helmets but they shot their teammates). Eventually his troops arrest and lock him up in a cell. He admits that he was killing them because he had visions of them killing all jedi.
He goes on to state he is no jedi and he does not align with either side. He tells one of his most loyal troops that he was the easiest to fool; the troop shoots the general and is eventually court martialed. Krell thought he was going to die so he tried to course correct and get more power. He misaligned himself because his power being a jedi around the clones was at stake. This is another repeated theme of values being jeopardized that makes them leave the order.
The moral of the story seems to be that if the group does not share your values these people leave or become an enemy in this series.