Elemental Movie An Underrated Story
In the movie “Elemental” we follow Ember, a cashier for her parents' shop. She is a literal embodiment of fire hence her name. She seems to have an explosive way of expressing stress or anger throughout the movie. Ember grapples with her ever conflicting life. She becomes infatuated with a person her parents do not agree with , even going as far as to hide it along with herself being inflicted responsibility to inherit her dad’s shop when he gets too old.
Ember has a great relationship with her parents. She wants to do everything in her power to make sure she feels they approve of her lifestyle and wellbeing. However she struggles to be what her parents want by her nature. Her dad tries to teach her how to work with customers and he tells her to try to be nicer to the employees and not blow up. However she is a literal embodiment of fire, symbolically that is almost never a symbol of peace or tranquility just destruction and raw energy.
The shop becomes exposed to water damage. Due to the conditions the shop is fined. Ember even tries to stop the inspector from sending the report to the office; however she is unsuccessful in stopping him. She becomes very upset that she could not stop him because she feels like she failed and that she is the cause of her dad losing his shop along with being the cause of the shop's degradation.
In the movie it's quickly evident that Ember is not meant to work in the shop; however she tries her hardest to keep the job to make her dad happy. However later in the movie she finds that she is an exquisite glass maker.
In the end of the movie she has a breakdown and starts believing she will never be what her parents want from her. She eventually voices this to her dad. Interestingly he does not get upset he simply gets a new person to give the shop to.
In most movies the character is usually given 2 choices and only gets to pick one. However in this movie we see the opposite happen. In the movie Ember did not want to work in the shop and she wanted to be in the relationship that her parents did not want her in even with their approval. Every problem in her life was solved in the movie.
Honestly I was very surprised that this movie was actually a good movie. The promotions for the movie did not highlight the depth of the movie. I loved the 3d models in the movie. The visual quality has grown a lot over the years for these movies. I enjoyed the goofy theme of different elements of people coexisting in a large town. I thought it was an interesting touch to make the different elements of people have a different mode of transportation. For example the water people had subs, the air people had blimps, and the forest people had the trains.